Quebec’s Bill 96 is Now Law - How Companies Can Ensure Compliance

Quebec’s hotly debated French language law, Bill 96, came into effect last month, forcing all companies doing business in the province to significantly increase their French communications. 

Advertising flyers, product descriptions, website content, even trademarks - any time you connect with a customer, you have to do so in French. For many organizations that means significantly revamping and scaling up their translation needs.

In the rush to compliance it’s tempting to cut corners but investing in quality translation, delivered by an experienced language service provider isn’t just about ticking a box and meeting legal requirements. Your content is one of your company's greatest assets and, as such, it should be handled with care. Accurate, effective translations are an investment in your organization’s future - helping you strengthen your brand, reach new markets, and position yourself ahead of competitors.

What is Bill 96?

Bill 96 was introduced to strengthen francophone communities in Quebec, hoping to combat the decline of French as Quebec’s primary language. It builds on Quebec’s longstanding French Charter by heavily restricting when languages other than French can be used.

Under Bill 96, all businesses offering goods and services in Quebec - even if they’re headquartered elsewhere - must communicate with their customers and clients in French. Contracts, advertising materials such as signs and posters, labels, and any communications with the provincial government agencies must also be predominantly French, with limited exemptions.

How companies can ensure compliance

Following the bill’s assent and implementation, organizations are now scrambling to ensure all their communications adhere to the rigorous standards. For many the first step is finding a reputable language services partner with the capacity to offer quality translation across multiple mediums.

NATIONS Translation Group is well-equipped to assist businesses with the challenges and new regulations imposed by Bill 96 in Quebec. As Canada's largest privately owned language service provider, NATIONS has over 30 years of experience in providing professional language services. Our diverse team, fluent in over 100 languages, is based in Ottawa and has served hundreds of Quebec organizations throughout its well-established history, as well as partnering with leading international groups. 

Available 24/7 throughout the year, NATIONS offers swift and reliable translation services to ensure that all customer interactions, both online and offline, are accurately translated to meet the language requirements of Bill 96. 

Whether you’re communicating with your customers via webpages, social media, email, or letters, we can help. Our professional translators will always have your audience in mind, creating nuanced translations that don’t just translate word-for-word but take into account the medium, the context, industry terminology, and your target demographic. 

This level of attention to detail is obvious in the end result - creating pitch perfect translations that deliver a seamless experience in French.

Tech-driven translation that won’t disrupt your business

Bringing your operations in line with Bill 96 is a cross-departmental effort, requiring accurate, reliable translations delivered at speed and with minimal disruption to your business. We’re uniquely positioned to fulfill that need with an approach that blends human expertise with technological know-how.

Our adoption of cutting-edge technologies and certified resources, allows us to provide efficient website localization services - translating and adapting a company's online content to meet the French language requirements for public signs, packaging, and labeling as specified in Bill 96. 

NATIONS’ expertise in full-service translation services, including post-editing and AI machine translation, ensures that the French versions of trademarks and product descriptions adhere to the new regulations.

As a member of professional associations such as the Canadian Language Industry Association (CLIA) and l'Ordre des traducteurs terminologues et interprètes agréés du Québec (OTTIAQ), NATIONS Translation Group maintains high standards of translation quality and compliance. They are well-versed in the latest Canadian translation standards, including ISO certifications for Information Security Management Systems, Translation Services, and Post-Editing of AI Machine Translation.

When you partner with the NATIONS Translation Group, you partner with a provider backed by extensive experience in the language services industry. Our commitment to excellence shows in everything we do and we’ll bring those same high standards to helping your company navigate the challenges and regulatory requirements presented by Bill 96 in Quebec.


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