Laura Krupp

Vice-President, Operations

Laura Krupp became Vice-President of Operations at NATIONS in 2017, delivering the company’s strategic goals through oversight of Business Operations, Client Care, Language Quality, and Production.

A fully seasoned and versatile manager, Laura has held various positions at NATIONS over the years, including Senior Revisor, Operations Manager and Chief Administrative Officer. She works closely with translators, revisors and management to oversee day-to-day operations with a constant view to streamlining company activities for the benefit of staff and clients alike.

Laura Krupp

Laura Krupp
Vice-President, Operations

Tanya Camp

I am a graphic designer and website developer with 24+ years of professional experience. My background is in visual communication design with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree and a diploma in New Media Design from the University of Alberta. My focus includes print design, identity systems, marketing design, user experience, usability, and website design. I enjoy collaborating and developing custom-fit solutions, focusing on highly usable yet visually beautiful deliverables.

Joshua Koshy


Patricia Dantas Johnson